06-08 May 2019
The scope of the workshop school is to offer both an in depth theoretical introduction to the field of machine learning for material science as well as a practical hands-on experience to endow the participants with the ability to tackle a variety of problems with well established algorithms.
To this end, we invited renowned experts in the field of machine learning for materials science in order to deliver introductory lectures as well as hands-on tutorials in order to help novel researchers develop their skills.
Introductory talks will be held at the main venue ADF (Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150, Espoo). Hands-on computing sessions (7 May) will be held at the Dogmi training room of the CSC – IT Center for Science, the Finnish national supercomputing centre (Keilaranta 14, 02150, Espoo). Due to space constraints, the computing exercises will be limited to the first 40 registered participants (own laptop may be needed). HPC-Europa3 call for collaborative visits to the CSC and Aalto University can be used to cover the costs of attending this event (deadline 21 Feb. 2019).
Introductory lectures’ speakers:
Gabor Csányi, University of Cambridge, UK
Luca Ghiringhelli, Fritz Haber Institute, Germany
Nongnuch Artrith, Columbia University, USA
Michele Ceriotti, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Hands-on exercises: Filippo Federici Canova, Nanolayers Research Computing Ltd, Finland
We acknowledge CSC (Finland IT Center for Science) for the use of their facilities to carry out the hands-on session.